Tuesday 18 October 2011

Our Film Opening Ideas

Here are our 3 treatments in a 25 word pitch

1. Scary thriller about friends who go camping but are met by an unexpected surprise; were they never told not to go into the woods alone?

2. Teem movie showing the unfortunate difficulties that life may bring, no-one said growing up would be easy, as Sally finds out the hard way.

3. Everyone wants the perfect life and perfect family like Mollie Jackson, but behind close doors is where the truth comes out and the heartache starts..

Thursday 6 October 2011

Practice - Thursday 6th

Here is our practice from Thursday 6th October.
(i feel to cry at how humongous i look whilst running up the ramp)

Prelim Outtakes

We have now completed our outtakes!

Wednesday 5 October 2011


In yesterdays lesson we got all our equipment (tripods, flips and cameras) and went to film a short clip so that we could have some practice on editing. We had a challenge to see if we could do a filming of a clip that year 13's done last year; unfortunately I don’t think we accomplished this... However, we did film various other things such as chasing a policeman and being zombies in graveyards, I look forward to editing this is next lesson!


We finally have our prelims recorded, edited and upladed to youtube!


Low Key

This low key lighting is used to create affect in the scene, it tends to be used on the 'bad' characters and usually contains lots of shadows to build the tension.



Voiceover is used when a narrator is commenting on the programme whether it is whilst the character is talking or not, and is mostly commenting about the action.


Jump Cut

Jump Shots are shots that are snapped of the same object or character, but different positioning to make an effect of discontinuity or acceleration. This makes it look as though they have 'jumped' into this position in an abrupt way.


Shot Reverse Shot

A Shot reverse shot is used to show a conversation which 2 people are having, it is shown from 1 persons view, then from the other persons view then back to the first persons view showing the characters' facial expressions.


Deep Focus

This deep focus shot is used to focus on one character or object, it makes it more sharp and blurs out anything in front of it or in the way so that you are drawn to the sharpest object, likewise in this photo the girl is the sharp focused image and the objects at the front have been blurred out of focus.

Camera Movement

Dolly Shot

This is a dolly shot which is used to follow the characters or action; it is placed on a platform with wheels to allow it to move more smoothly, in this clip it was used to follow the doctors ad nurses pushing the patient on the hospital bed around the hospital.

Shot Angles

High Angle Shot

This high angle shot is used to create the effect that the characters are smaller than they are, the mise-en-scene is the main object and the characters are blended in with it, however in this picture there is no much scenery so you are mostly drawn to the characters.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Shot Angles

Low Angle Shot

This low angled shot it used to create tension in the clip, this if effective as it makes the viewer feel scared and intimidated by having the main characters looking down on them, the background on this shot is usually the sky which also makes you focus more on the characters which in this case are dressed in black with dim lighting, making it more dramatic.

Camera Shots

Over The Shoulder

This Over the shoulder shot is clipped so that you can see the persons face who is taking, this is effective as it enhances their facial expression, whilst also including parts of the persons face who they are talking to which could be their shoulders and head, in this case just the side of her head is filmed.

Camera Shots

Medium Shot

This medium shot shows the character from the waist up which is very affective as it allows you to see their facial expressions, body position and body language as well as giving you an insight of the mise-en-scene.

Monday 3 October 2011


Today we stayed behind after shcool and managed to finish all of the editing for our prelims; I expected the editing to be a lot more trickier than it was but altogether we are really pleased with the outcome as it turnt out better than we had expected.

Filming Prelims

In Thursdays lesson we began to film the prelims; we ensured we stuck to the 180 degree rule, that we had a range of camera shots and had various camera angles. It took a bit of time to get into the filming, hence getting up to take 10 before completing a full clip without laughter, however once filmed we got all the right clips we needed. Me and Lois were also asked to film in Mac 3's prelim, although we had the giggles, forgot our lines and altogether weren’t the best actors, we still managed to ensure Mac 3 had what they wanted. Using the flip cameras and tripods gave me an insight of how to use them for when it comes to the filming our film openings, this was very helpful and was good practice.